Through Season of Change Springs New Leaf Ethiopia Foundation
“Creating sustainable improvements in health and community well being in Ethiopia”
I have been thinking of a single word that would describe the past year of 2020 up the present. There is no single word that I could come up with, better than “SEASON”. When I think of seasons I think of change, sometimes dramatic, sometimes subtle, sometimes very harsh, but necessary in order to bring about renewal and growth. I think of my garden and the harsh winter it endures, pouring rain and freezing cold windy days. It’s hard to imagine when I plant my first seeds that they will ever grow. But as the ground is prepared, the weather and ground warms, these tiny seeds amazingly start to pop up through the soil and begin to grow, unfold, and strengthen becoming beautiful, strong plants that are nourishing to the mind, body and soul. This is how I describe the beginning of “NEW LEAF ETHIOPIA FOUNDATION”. A CHANGE IN SEASON, NEW PARTNERSHIPS, GROWTH AND STRENGTHENING OF OLD PARTNERSHIPS, WEEDING AND PRUNING THE NEW LEAF GARDEN BRINGING ABOUT VISIBLE DRASTIC POSITIVE CHANGE, GROWTH AND RENEWAL OF NEW LEAF ETHIOPIA FOUNDATION PROGRAMS.